Power-up Anti-bribery for Human Rights and Sustainable Development

O projeto #CLEANBIZ visa fomentar o compromisso do setor empresarial para com os Direitos Humanos e o Desenvolvimento Sustentável através da ampliação dos princípios de responsabilidade social empresarial destinados a prevenir e combater o suborno e as práticas competitivas ilegais e anti-éticas no comércio internacional.
CLEANBIZ aims to foster the business sector commitment towards Human Rights and Sustainable Development by scaling up corporate social responsibility principles aimed at preventing and fighting bribery and illegal and unethical competitive practices in international trade.
Empowering Tools
Based on Transparency International’s business integrity conceptual framework, and with a clear focus on fighting foreign bribery, CLEANBIZ supports the implementation and the enforcement of the OECD Anti-Bribery Convention by combining anti-corruption and human rights compliance and due diligence with awareness-raising and training directed to the business sector.
Shaping the future
The UN Agenda 2030 asks all states to substantially reduce corruption and bribery in all their forms, but foreign bribery in particular seems to be one area where changes are slow and there are a number of obstacles to overcome.
According to Transparency International, “Foreign bribery is not an abstract phenomenon; it has huge consequences for both the payer and recipient. Money lost to foreign bribes creates significant economic repercussions, triggers unfair competitive advantages and results in fewer public services for the people who need them most.”
Therefore, expanding the UNCAC, the OECD Anti-bribery Convention and SDG16 compliance into corporate governance and corporate social responsibility is key to increase the business sector participation and commitment towards Human Rights and Sustainable Development.

Commitment Declaration
The business sector in Iceland, Norway and Portugal is asked to contribute to decrease corruption and promote human rights and sustainable development through actively supporting the implementation and enforcement of the OECD Anti-Bribery Convention.
After validation from the project team, the support of your company will be listed here.

International Seminar, June 2022
On the afternoon of June 27th, the Nova Compliance Lab and the NOVA Centre on Business, Human Rights and the Environment hosted the CLEANBIZ International Seminar discussing the main challenges and good practices in preventing and combating bribery and illegal and unethical competitive practices in foreign trade.
Exchange Visit Oslo, May 2022
Gro Skaaren-Fystro (TI Norway), Karina Carvalho (TI Portugal) and Thor Fanndal (TI Iceland) continued to develop knowledge sharing and promoting the engagement of businesses, and especially Small and medium-sized enterprises.
Exchange Visit Reykjavík, February 2022
TI Iceland’s Executive Director Thor Fanndal hosted Gro Skaaren-Fystro and Karina Carvalho in an Exchange Visit aimed at developing project’s deliverables and to better learn about the challenges in implementing the OECD anti-bribery convention in this Scandinavian country.
Expert Meeting, January 2022
A panel of experts is invited to assist the development of guidelines for producing CLEANBIZ Best Practices Toolkit and Self-Assessment Checklist.
Online Conference, October 2021
The CLEANBIZ online conference discussed ongoing efforts to enhance business integrity though a human-rights based approach to anticorruption, aiming to engage business leaders from Iceland, Norway and Portugal.
Guest Speakers

Peter Eigen

François Valérian

Gillian Dell

Best Practices Toolkit
The Best Practices Toolkit can be used together with the CLEANBIZ Self-Assessment Checklist.
It is a living document, and will be continuously updated over time.

Self-Assessment Checklist
A very basic Self-Assessment Checklist specially curated for SMEs and Startups in Iceland, Norway and Portugal that often lack resources and know-how to develop sustainable integrity programs.
The aim is to provide them with a first glimpse of where they should stand in terms of their anti-corruption policy and implementation, serving as first point of entry to further engage businesses in understanding and improving their commitment to integrity

An E-learning tool aiming to foster the business sector commitment towards Human Rights and Sustainable Development by scaling up corporate social responsibility principles aimed at preventing and fighting bribery and illegal and unethical competitive practices in international trade.
Related News

CLEANBIZ International Seminar
CLEANBIZ International Seminar discussing the expansion of corporate social responsibility principles aimed at preventing and fighting bribery and illegal and unethical competitive practices in international trade.

CLEANBIZ travels to Oslo
Representatives from Transparency International’s National Chapters in Portugal and Iceland met TI Norway for an Exchange Visit under the implementation of CLEANBIZ, an initiative funded by EEA Grants Portugal.

Reykjavik hosts CLEANBIZ project
The national Chapters of Transparency International in Iceland, Norway and Portugal gathered in Reikjavijk for an Exchange Visit under the implementation of the CLEANBIZ project.
If you wish to learn more about CLEANBIZ please reach out to the focal points in Iceland, Norway and Portugal
CLEANBIZ – Power-up Anti-bribery for Human Rights and Sustainable Development is supported by the EEA Grants Bilateral Relations Fund